Krypton, Kr Specialty Gas

Krypton is principally shipped and used in gaseous form for excimer lasers, light bulbs, window insulation, and R&D Labs.What is Krypton Gas?

Krypton (Kr) is a rare gas of Group 18 (noble gases) of the periodic table, which forms relatively few chemical compounds. Kr gas is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that occurs in trace amounts in the atmosphere.

Krypton Gas Industry Applications

A noble gas, Krypton is used in a wide variety of applications. These applications take advantage of krypton’s low ionization and high atomic mass.

Much krypton is used for window insulation. It insulates better than argon or air when put between the panes of double or triple-pane windows. Krypton provides for lower U-factors (higher R-values) with the same window design. Additionally, krypton offers additional benefits with thin spacings between panes making more high-performance designs possible.

Krypton’s physical and chemical properties make it useful in lighting applications. It is used in incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, and high-intensity discharge lamps.

It is a component of excimer laser mixes to produce specific wavelengths. It is a required component in the gas mixes used to produce 222nm (KrCl) and 248nm (KrF) UV.

Krypton is used in sputter deposition, which is a type of physical vapor deposition. It offers advantages when depositing coatings with higher molecular weights. Krypton is more expensive than commonly used argon but provides a higher yield, and better coating is obtained when coating with heavier atoms. Krypton is often used for sputter coating heavier coatings like titanium.

Krypton Safety Requirements:

The cryogenic liquid will rapidly boil into a gas at standard temperatures and pressures. The liquefied gas can cause frostbite and contaminate any tissue in proximity. The primary health hazard of releasing this gas is asphyxiation by oxygen displacement (see SDS for further information).

Krypton Research/Scientific Grade:

Krypton, Kr Research/Scientific Grade Maximum Impurities
<3.0 ppmv
Water (H₂O)
<0.1 ppmv
<0.5 ppmv
<0.5 ppmv
<2.0 ppmv
Total Hydrocarbon Content (THC)
<0.5 ppmv
<2.0 ppmv
<0.5 ppmv
  Krypton, Kr Physical Constants
Chemical Name
Molecular Weight
Density of the gas at 70°F (21.1°C), 1 atm
0.2172 lb/ft³, 3.479 kg/m³
Specific gravity of the gas at 70°F (21.1°C), 1 atm
Specific volume of the gas at 70°F (21.1°C), 1 atm
4.604 ft³/lb, 0.287 m³/kg
Boiling Point at 1 atm
-244.0°F, -153.4°C
Melting Point at 1 atm
-251°F, -157°C
Critical Temperature at 1 atm
-82.8°F, -63.8°C
Critical Pressure
798.0 psia, 55.02 bar
Critical Density
56.7 lb/ft³, 908 kg/m³
Triple Point
-251.3°F, -157.4°C
Latent heat of vaporization at normal boiling point
46.2 Btu/lb, 107.5 kJ/kg
Latent heat of fusion at triple point
8.41 Btu/lb, 19.57 kJ/kg


Shipping Information
Shipping Class
DOT Name
TC name
Krypton Compressed
DOT Class
2.2 (Nonflammable Gas)
TC Class
2.2 (Nontoxic, Nonflammable Gas)
DOT Label
Nonflammable Gas
CAS Registry No.


Krypton Downloads

Krypton Specifications pdf.

Krypton SDS pdf.

In Stock and ready o ship worldwide: SF6 Gas global provider - Concorde Specialty Gases, Inc., 36 Eaton Road, Eatontown, NJ 07724 USA

Variety of Sizes in stock and ready for shipment:

5LB, 11LB, 18LB, 20LB, 25LB, 27.5LB, 35LB, 38LB, 45LB, 50LB, 57LB, 70LB, 90LB, 115LB and 1150LB. Custom Fill available upon request. 5KG, 10KG, 12.5KG, 40KG and 50KG. Custom Fill available upon request.

ConcordeTrak SF6 Gas Management System Online - Concorde Specialty Gases, Eatontown, NJ 07724

Concorde Specialty Gases
36 Eaton Road
Eatontown, NJ 07724
Tel: 732-544-9899

We Provide:
SF6 Gas
Recycled SF6 Gas
SF6 Gas Blends
CF4 Gas
Xenon Gas
Krypton Gas
Helium Gas
Dry Air
Custom Gas Blends

International Shipping
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

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  • 100% Product Quality Warranty - If any Concorde Gas product fails to meet or exceed our published quality standards, we will provide a full replacement, including all shipping expenses.
  • Turnaround in One Business Day or Less - from order to shipment in the Continental US!
  • Customer Satisfaction Guarantee - We will do whatever it takes to assure that our customers are completely satisfied with Concorde’s Products and Service.
  • Recycling Programs - designed to save you money and do our part for the environment!

Our Services:


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  • Customer Cylinder Refills
  • Same Day Shipping
  • Drop Ship Services
  • Private Label (OEM) Programs
  • Recycling Services
  • Custom Designed Cradle to Grave Programs
  • Major Credit Cards Accepted

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Concorde Specialty Gases - Specializing in SF6 Gas