News for News

Partner with U.S. SF6 Gas
With imported goods limiting American supply chains, here’s why your sourcing strategy should embrace recycled U.S. SF6 Gas…

Pollution Prevention at the Source
If you recognized Pollution Prevention Week last month and/or want to grow your commitment to the environment in 2022, here are a few things you need to know…

Anytime, Anywhere!
Recently, we had a project in New London, Connecticut. As always, we drove up in our fully stocked truck ready to go to work. We were contracted to reclaim SF6 Gas from the G&W Switch, a medium voltage breaker for disposal. Normally, we would perform the service...
Better, Smarter, Faster!
Concorde Specialty Gases is excited to share the newest addition to our in house laboratory; the FT-IR Spectrometer. This piece of equipment will be our workhorse for purifying gases, recertifying your specialty gas blends, and guaranteeing all gases meet EPA...